Whereby earth and heaven were filled with (spiritual) light: all that is recorded in the Maqálát;
که زمین و آسمان پر نور شد ** در مقالات آن همه مذکور شد
But I will cut short that dialogue, in order that every worthless person may not hear (such) mysteries.2685
لیک کوته کردم آن گفتار را ** تا ننوشد هر خسی اسرار را
How after many years the Shaykh came from the desert to the city of Ghazna and carried round the basket (as a beggar) in obedience to the behest from the Unseen and distributed amongst the poor all (the money and food) that was collected. “When any one possesses the spirit of the glory of Labbayka (devoted service), letter on letter and messenger after messenger are (sent to him),” as (when) the window of a house is open, sunbeams and moonbeams and rain and letters and so forth never cease (from coming in).
آمدن شیخ بعد از چندین سال از بیابان به شهر غزنین و زنبیل گردانیدن به اشارت غیبی و تفرقه کردن آنچ جمع آید بر فقرا هر که را جان عز لبیکست نامه بر نامه پیک بر پیکست چنانک روزن خانه باز باشد آفتاب و ماهتاب و باران و نامه و غیره منقطع نباشد
That (Shaykh who was) obedient to the (Divine) command turned his face towards the city; the city of Ghazna became illumined by his face.
رو به شهر آورد آن فرمانپذیر ** شهر غزنین گشت از رویش منیر
A (great) multitude joyfully went out to meet him, (but) he entered (the city) in haste and furtively.
از فرح خلقی به استقبال رفت ** او در آمد از ره دزدیده تفت
All the notables and grandees rose up and made their palaces ready to receive him,
جمله اعیان و مهان بر خاستند ** قصرها از بهر او آراستند
(But) he said, “I do not come from (motives of) self-advertisement: I come not save in humility and beggary.
گفت من از خودنمایی نامدم ** جز به خواری و گدایی نامدم
I have no intention of talking and discoursing: I will go about from door to door with a basket in my hand.2690
نیستم در عزم قال و قیل من ** در به در گردم به کف زنبیل من
I am devoted to the (Divine) edict, for ’tis commanded by God that I should be a beggar, a beggar, a beggar.
بنده فرمانم که امرست از خدا ** که گدا باشم گدا باشم گدا
I will not use choice expressions in begging: I will tread the way of none but the vile beggars,
در گدایی لفظ نادر ناورم ** جز طریق خس گدایان نسپرم
That I may be completely overwhelmed with abasement, and that I may hear abusive words from high and low.
تا شوم غرقهی مذلت من تمام ** تا سقطها بشنوم از خاص و عام