- ’Tis preposterous, O son: it makes even Universal Reason giddy-headed (astounded).
- نعلهای بازگونهست ای پسر ** عقل کلی را کند هم خیرهسر
- When the Amír saw him, he said to him, “O impudent man, I will tell you something, (but) do not fasten on me the name of niggard.
- چون امیرش دید گفتش ای وقیح ** گویمت چیزی منه نامم شحیح
- What callousness and effrontery and (insolent) behaviour is this, that you come in (here) four times in one day?
- این چه سغری و چه رویست و چه کار ** که به روزی اندر آیی چار بار
- Who here is attached to you, Shaykh? Never have I seen a sturdy beggar like you.
- کیست اینجا شیخ اندر بند تو ** من ندیدم نر گدا مانند تو
- You have brought (all) beggars into contempt and disgrace: what abominable importunity, worthy of ‘Abbás (himself), is this that you have shown! 2755
- حرمت و آب گدایان بردهای ** این چه عباسی زشت آوردهای
- ‘Abbás (the seller) of date-syrup is (merely) your groom: may no freethinker (mulhid) have such an ill-starred soul!”
- غاشیه بر دوش تو عباس دبس ** هیچ ملحد را مباد این نفس نحس
- He replied, “O Amír, I am devoted to the (Divine) command. Be silent! Thou art not acquainted with my (inward) fire: do not boil (rage) so much!
- گفت امیرا بنده فرمانم خموش ** ز آتشم آگه نهای چندین مجوش
- Had I found in myself any greed for bread, I would have ripped my bread craving belly.
- بهر نان در خویش حرصی دیدمی ** اشکم نانخواه را بدریدمی
- During seven years, (inspired) by the ardour of Love that cooks the body, I have eaten (nothing but) vine-leaves in the wilderness,
- هفت سال از سوز عشق جسمپز ** در بیابان خوردهام من برگ رز
- So that, from my eating withered and fresh leaves, this bodily colour of mine had turned green.” 2760
- تا ز برگ خشک و تازه خوردنم ** سبز گشته بود این رنگ تنم