- He (the Shaykh) said this and began to weep with ecstatic cries, the tears rolling hither and thither down his cheeks.
- این بگفت و گریه در شد های های ** اشک غلطان بر رخ او جای جای
- His sincerity touched the Amír's heart: Love is ever cooking a wondrous potful.
- صدق او هم بر ضمیر میر زد ** عشق هر دم طرفه دیگی میپزد
- The sincerity of the lover affects (even) an inanimate thing: what wonder if it make an impression on the mind of one possessed of knowledge?
- صدق عاشق بر جمادی میتند ** چه عجب گر بر دل دانا زند
- The sincerity of Moses made an impression on the rod and the mountain; nay, on the majestic sea. 2775
- صدق موسی بر عصا و کوه زد ** بلک بر دریای پر اشکوه زد
- The sincerity of Ahmad (Mohammed) made an impression on the beauty of the moon; nay, it stopped the course of the shining sun.
- صدق احمد بر جمال ماه زد ** بلک بر خورشید رخشان راه زد
- With face turned to face in lamentation, both the Amír and the Dervish had fallen to weeping.
- رو برو آورده هر دو در نفیر ** گشته گریان هم امیر و هم فقیر
- After they had wept much for a while, the Amír said to him, “Arise, O worthy man,
- ساعتی بسیار چون بگریستند ** گفت میر او را که خیز ای ارجمند
- And choose from the Treasury whatever thou wilt, albeit thou deservest a hundred such (treasuries).
- هر چه خواهی از خزانه برگزین ** گرچه استحقاق داری صد چنین
- The (treasure-) house is thine: choose anything thou desirest, (though) in truth the two worlds are little (in thy estimation).” 2780
- خانه آن تست هر چت میل هست ** بر گزین خود هر دو عالم اندکست
- He replied, “I have not been given permission (by God) to pick out anything with my own hand.
- گفت دستوری ندادندم چنین ** که کنم من این دخیلانه دخول