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  • When I see in it anything other than God, (I know that) it (the thing seen) is not mine but is reflected from the beggar (who is with me at the moment).” 2805
  • هرچه بینم اندرو غیر خدا  ** آن من نبود بود عکس گدا 
  • If a date-palm or a raceme of dates has appeared in a piece of water, it is only the reflexion from the tree outside.
  • گر در آبی نخل یا عرجون نمود  ** جز ز عکس نخله‌ی بیرون نبود 
  • If you see a form (of something) at the bottom of the water, that image is reflected from outside, O youth;
  • در تگ آب ار ببینی صورتی  ** عکس بیرون باشد آن نقش ای فتی 
  • But it is necessary to cleanse the canal, (which is) the body, until the water is cleared of scum,
  • لیک تا آب از قذی خالی شدن  ** تنقیه شرطست در جوی بدن 
  • In order that no obscurity and rubbish may remain therein and that it may become trustworthy and that the reflexion of the (inward) aspect (of everything) may appear (in it).
  • تا نماند تیرگی و خس درو  ** تا امین گردد نماید عکس رو 
  • Where in your body is aught but muddy water, O you who are (spiritually) destitute? Make the water pure (and free) from mud, O enemy of the heart. 2810
  • جز گلابه در تنت کو ای مقل  ** آب صافی کن ز گل ای خصم دل 
  • By (indulgence in) sleeping and eating and drinking you are ever intent on pouring into this canal more (and more) earth.
  • تو بر آنی هر دمی کز خواب و خور  ** خاک ریزی اندرین جو بیشتر 
  • The means of knowing people's hidden thoughts.
  • سبب دانستن ضمیرهای خلق 
  • (Only) when the heart of that water is void of these (defilements), does the reflexion of the (inward) aspects (of all things) dart into the water.
  • چون دل آن آب زینها خالیست  ** عکس روها از برون در آب جست 
  • Therefore, unless your interior has been purified, (and while) the (heart's) house is full of demons and monsters and wild beasts,
  • پس ترا باطن مصفا ناشده  ** خانه پر از دیو و نسناس و دده 
  • O ass who have obstinately remained in asininity, how will you get scent of (apprehend) the (life-giving) breaths which resemble those of the Messiah?
  • ای خری ز استیزه ماند در خری  ** کی ز ارواح مسیحی بو بری