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  • Take hold of our ear and draw us along to the assembly where the joyous revellers drink of Thy wine.
  • Forasmuch as Thou hast caused a waft of its perfume to reach us, do not stopple the head (mouth) of that wine-skin, O Lord of the Judgement!
  • Whether they are male or female, they (all Thy creatures) drink from Thee: O Thou whose help is besought, Thou art stintless in giving.
  • O Thou by whom the unspoken prayer is answered, who bestowest at every moment a hundred bounties on the heart,
  • Thou hast limned some letters of writing: rocks have become (soft) as wax for love of them. 310
  • Thou hast scribed the nún of the eyebrow, the sád of the eye, and the jím of the ear as a distraction to a hundred minds and understandings.
  • By those letters of Thine the intellect is made to weave subtle coils (of perplexity): write on, O accomplished Calligrapher!
  • At each moment Thou shapest beauteously pictured forms of phantasy, suitable to every thought, upon (the page of) non-existence.
  • On the tablet of phantasy Thou inscribest wondrous letters— eye and profile and cheek and mole.
  • I am drunken with desire for non-existence, not for the existent, because the Beloved of (the world of) non-existence is more faithful. 315