That man (who was) beside himself (with cold and hunger) committed an impertinence: from grossness (of disposition) he displayed an (impious) audacity.3170
انبساطی کرد آن از خود بری ** جراتی بنمود او از لمتری
He relied on the thousands (infinite number) of (God's) gifts, saying (to himself) that the gnostic has become God's boon-companion.
اعتمادش بر هزاران موهبت ** که ندیم حق شد اهل معرفت
If the king's boon-companion take a liberty, (yet) do not thou behave so, who hast not the same support.
گر ندیم شاه گستاخی کند ** تو مکن آنک نداری آن سند
God gave the waist, and the waist is better than the belt: if any one give (thee) a tiara, (yet) He gave the head (that bears it).
حق میان داد و میان به از کمر ** گر کسی تاجی دهد او داد سر
(The dervish continued his reproaches) till a certain day when the king accused the Khwája (of dishonesty) and bound him hand and foot,
تا یکی روزی که شاه آن خواجه را ** متهم کرد و ببستش دست و پا
(While) he put those slaves to the rack, saying, ‘Show (to me) at once the Khwája's buried treasure;3175
آن غلامان را شکنجه مینمود ** که دفینهی خواجه بنمایید زود
Tell me his secret; O ye rascals, or I will cut your throats and (cut out) your tongues.’
سر او با من بگویید ای خسان ** ورنه برم از شما حلق و لسان
He tortured them during a (whole) month: (’twas) the rack, torment, and anguish by day and by night.
مدت یک ماهشان تعذیب کرد ** روز و شب اشکنجه و افشار و درد
He rent them to pieces, but from their anxiety (for their master) not one slave betrayed the Khwája's secret.
پاره پاره کردشان و یک غلام ** راز خواجه وا نگفت از اهتمام
A voice from Heaven said to him (the dervish) in his dream, ‘O sir, do thou also learn how to be a slave, and (then) come (to Me).’
گفتش اندر خواب هاتف کای کیا ** بنده بودن هم بیاموز و بیا