- (But) beneath the bad candle many a moth, whose eyes were sealed, is left (lying) with burnt wings,
- جوق پروانهی دو دیده دوخته ** مانده زیر شمع بد پر سوخته
- Quivering in sorrow and anguish, lamenting the vain desire that seals the eyes.
- میطپد اندر پشیمانی و سوز ** میکند آه از هوای چشمدوز
- Its candle says (to it), “Since I am burnt, how should I deliver thee from burning (grief) and oppression?”
- شمع او گوید که چون من سوختم ** کی ترا برهانم از سوز و ستم
- Its candle weeps, saying, “My head is consumed: how should I make another resplendent?” 345
- شمع او گریان که من سرسوخته ** چون کنم مر غیر را افروخته
- [Explanation of “Alas for the servants (of God)!”]
- تفسیر یا حسرة علی العباد
- It (the moth) says, “I was deceived by thy (outward) features and (too) late did I regard thy (inward) condition.”
- او همی گوید که از اشکال تو ** غره گشتم دیر دیدم حال تو
- The candle is extinguished, the wine is gone, and the Beloved has withdrawn himself from the disgrace of our squintness.
- شمع مرده باده رفته دلربا ** غوطه خورد از ننگ کژبینی ما
- Thy profits have become a loss and penalty: thou complainest bitterly to God of thy blindness.
- ظلت الارباح خسرا مغرما ** نشتکی شکوی الی الله العمی
- How excellent are the spirits of brethren trustworthy, self-surrendering, believing, obeying!
- حبذا ارواح اخوان ثقات ** مسلمات مومنات قانتات
- Every one (else) has turned his face in some direction, but those holy ones have turned towards that which transcends direction. 350
- هر کسی رویی به سویی بردهاند ** وان عزیزان رو به بیسو کردهاند
- Every (other) pigeon flies on some course, but this pigeon (flies) in a region where no region is.
- هر کبوتر میپرد در مذهبی ** وین کبوتر جانب بیجانبی