- From such-and-such a Christian ascetic who has choice wine, that the soul (in us) may win release from high and low.”
- از فلان راهب که دارد خمر خاص ** تا ز خاص و عام یابد جان خلاص
- One draught from the Christian ascetic's cup has the same effect as thousands of wine-jars and wine-cellars.
- جرعهای زان جام راهب آن کند ** که هزاران جره و خمدان کند
- In that (Christian's) wine there is a hidden (spiritual) substance, even as (spiritual) sovereignty is (hidden) in the dervish-cloak.
- اندر آن می مایهی پنهانی است ** آنچنان که اندر عبا سلطانی است
- Do not regard (merely) the tattered cloak, for they have put black on the outside of the gold.
- تو بدلق پارهپاره کم نگر ** که سیه کردند از بیرون زر
- On account of the evil eye he (the dervish) becomes (apparently) reprobate, and that (spiritual) ruby is tarnished with smoke on the outside. 3450
- از برای چشم بد مردود شد ** وز برون آن لعل دودآلود شد
- When are treasures and jewels (exposed to view) in the rooms of a house? Treasures are always (hidden) in ruins.
- گنج و گوهر کی میان خانههاست ** گنجها پیوسته در ویرانههاست
- Since Adam's treasure was buried in a ruin, his clay became a bandage over the eye of the accursed (Iblís).
- گنج آدم چون بویران بد دفین ** گشت طینش چشمبند آن لعین
- He (Iblís) was regarding the clay with the utmost contempt, (but) the spirit (of Adam) was saying, “My clay is a barrier to thee.”
- او نظر میکرد در طین سست سست ** جان همیگفتش که طینم سد تست
- The slave took two jugs and ran with goodwill: (almost) immediately he arrived at the monastery of the Christian monks.
- دو سبو بستد غلام و خوش دوید ** در زمان در دیر رهبانان رسید
- He paid gold and purchased wine like gold: he gave stones and bought jewels in exchange. 3455
- زر بداد و بادهی چون زر خرید ** سنگ داد و در عوض گوهر خرید