Inasmuch as every one is devoted to some calling wherein he spends his life and is killed—
هر یکی چونک فدایی فنیست ** کاندر آن ره صرف عمر و کشتنیست
Is killed somewhere (either) in the West or in the East, at which time neither the desiring subject nor the desired object remains (in existence)—3545
کشتنی اندر غروبی یا شروق ** که نه شایق ماند آنگه نه مشوق
After all, this fortunate man is devoted to the calling wherein a hundred lives are (gained) in being killed;
باری این مقبل فدای این فنست ** کاندرو صد زندگی در کشتنست
Its lover and beloved and love are everlastingly prosperous and renowned in both worlds.
عاشق و معشوق و عشقش بر دوام ** در دو عالم بهرمند و نیکنام
O my generous friends, have pity on the votaries of passion: ’tis their business to go down to destruction after destruction.
یا کرامی ارحموا اهل الهوی ** شانهم ورد التوی بعد التوی
(The people said), “O Amír, pardon his (the ascetic's) violence: consider his sorrow and ill-fortune,
عفو کن ای میر بر سختی او ** در نگر در درد و بدبختی او
In order that God may pardon thy sins likewise and heap forgiveness on thy faults.3550
تا ز جرمت هم خدا عفوی کند ** زلتت را مغفرت در آکند
Thou hast heedlessly broken many a jug and set thy heart on the hope of pardon.
تو ز غفلت بس سبو بشکستهای ** در امید عفو دل در بستهای
Pardon, that thou mayst win pardon in return: the (Divine) decree splits hairs (is exceedingly scrupulous) in (giving every one his) deserts.”
عفو کن تا عفو یابی در جزا ** میشکافد مو قدر اندر سزا
How the Amír answered those neighbours of the ascetic who interceded for him: “Why,” said he, “did he behave (so) impudently and why did he break my jug (of wine)? I will not listen to intercession in this matter, for I have sworn to punish him as he deserves.”
جواب گفتن امیر مر آن شفیعان را و همسایگان زاهد را کی گستاخی چرا کرد و سبوی ما را چرا شکست من درین باب شفاعت قبول نخواهم کرد کی سوگند خوردهام کی سزای او را بدهم
The Amír said, “Who is he that he should throw a stone at my jug and break it?
میر گفت او کیست کو سنگی زند ** بر سبوی ما سبو را بشکند