- From (a feeling of) shame (delicacy) the husband did not tell him anything or say, “My dear friend, your bed is on this side;
- شوهر از خجلت بدو چیزی نگفت ** که ترا این سوست ای جان جای خفت
- I have had the bed for you to sleep in laid over there, most noble sir.”
- که برای خواب تو ای بوالکرم ** پستر آن سوی دگر افکندهام
- (So) the arrangement which he had made with his wife was altered, and the guest lay down on the other side (of the room).
- آن قراری که به زن او داده بود ** گشت مبدل و آن طرف مهمان غنود
- During the night it began to rain violently in that place, (and continued so long) that they were astonished at the thickness of the clouds.
- آن شب آنجا سخت باران در گرفت ** کز غلیظی ابرشان آمد شگفت
- (When) the wife came (home), she thought her husband was sleeping towards the door, and the uncle on the other side. 3660
- زن بیامد بر گمان آنک شو ** سوی در خفتست و آن سو آن عمو
- The wife immediately undressed and went to bed and kissed the guest fondly several times.
- رفت عریان در لحاف آن دم عروس ** داد مهمان را به رغبت چند بوس
- “O worthy man,” said she, “I was afraid (of this), and now that very thing has happened, that very thing has happened, that very thing!
- گفت میترسیدم ای مرد کلان ** خود همان آمد همان آمد همان
- The mud and rain have stranded thy guest (here): he is left on thy hands like Government soap.
- مرد مهمان را گل و باران نشاند ** بر تو چون صابون سلطانی بماند
- How can he set out in this rain and mud? He will become a tax upon thy head and soul.”
- اندرین باران و گل او کی رود ** بر سر و جان تو او تاوان شود
- The guest at once jumped up and said, “O woman, leave off! I have boots, I don't mind the mud. 3665
- زود مهمان جست و گفت این زن بهل ** موزه دارم غم ندارم من ز گل