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  • I depart. May good be with you! May your spirit during its (earthly) journey never rejoice (even) for a moment,
  • من روان گشتم شما را خیر باد  ** در سفر یک دم مبادا روح شاد 
  • So that it may the sooner go towards its native home! for this (worldly) pleasure waylays (the traveller) on his journey.”
  • تا که زوتر جانب معدن رود  ** کین خوشی اندر سفر ره‌زن شود 
  • When the distinguished guest started up and went off, the wife was sorry for (having spoken) those unsympathetic words.
  • زن پشیمان شد از آن گفتار سرد  ** چون رمید و رفت آن مهمان فرد 
  • Many a time the wife said to him, “Why, O Amír, if I made a merry jest, don't take offence.”
  • زن بسی گفتش که آخر ای امیر  ** گر مزاحی کردم از طیبت مگیر 
  • The wife's supplication and lament were of no avail: he departed and left them to grieve. 3670
  • سجده و زاری زن سودی نداشت  ** رفت و ایشان را در آن حسرت گذاشت 
  • Afterwards the husband and wife clad themselves in blue: they deemed his (radiant) form to be a candle without a basin.
  • جامه ازرق کرد زان پس مرد و زن  ** صورتش دیدند شمعی بی‌لگن 
  • He was going (on his way), and by that man's candle-light the desert was isolated, like Paradise, from the darkness of night.
  • می‌شد و صحرا ز نور شمع مرد  ** چون بهشت از ظلمت شب گشته فرد 
  • He (the husband) made his house a guest-house in sorrow and shame for this (calamitous) event.
  • کرد مهمان خانه خانه‌ی خویش را  ** از غم و از خجلت این ماجرا 
  • In the hearts of them both, (coming) by the hidden way, the phantom of the guest was saying continually,
  • در درون هر دو از راه نهان  ** هر زمان گفتی خیال میهمان 
  • “I am the friend of Khadir: I would have scattered a hundred treasures of munificence (over you), but ’twas not your appointed portion.” 3675
  • که منم یار خضر صد گنج و جود  ** می‌فشاندم لیک روزیتان نبود 
  • Comparing the daily thoughts that come into the heart with the new guests who from the beginning of the day alight in the house and behave with arrogance and ill-temper towards the master of the house; and concerning the merit of treating the guest with kindness and of suffering his haughty airs patiently.
  • تمثیل فکر هر روزینه کی اندر دل آید به مهمان نو کی از اول روز در خانه فرود آید و فضیلت مهمان‌نوازی و ناز مهمان کشیدن و تحکم و بدخویی کند به خداوند خانه