For thee there is no stumbling in the hour of lust, so that thy reason, which resembles a mountain (in solidity), should go (hither and thither) like a straw;
نه به وقت شهوتت باشد عثار ** که رود عقل چو کوهت کاهوار
Nor in the hour of anger and vengeance do thy powers of long-suffering fail to hold fast and firm.”3710
نه به وقت خشم و کینه صبرهات ** سست گردد در قرار و در ثبات
Virilitas haec virilitas est, barba et penis non est; sin minus, rex virorum esset veretrum asini. [Manhood is this manliness, not (just) a beard and a penis; otherwise, an ass’s penis would be the king of men.]
مردی این مردیست نه ریش و ذکر ** ورنه بودی شاه مردان کیر خر
Whom has God in the Qur’an called men? How should there be room for this body there?
حق کرا خواندست در قرآن رجال ** کی بود این جسم را آنجا مجال
What worth has the animal soul? O father, come now, pass through the market of the butchers,
روح حیوان را چه قدرست ای پدر ** آخر از بازار قصابان گذر
(And you will see) a hundred thousand (sheeps’) heads laid on paunches (tripe), of which (heads) the value is less than (that of) the fat caudal part and tail.
صد هزاران سر نهاده بر شکم ** ارزشان از دنبه و از دم کم
Meretrix est (quaevis femina) cui penis impetu mens (tanquam) mus fiat, libido tanquam leo. [A prostitute is (one) who, due to the movement of a penis, (her) intellect becomes a mouse (and her) lust like a lion.]3715
روسپی باشد که از جولان کیر ** عقل او موشی شود شهوت چو شیر
How a father enjoined his daughter to take care lest she should become with child by her husband.
وصیت کردن پدر دختر را کی خود را نگهدار تا حامله نشوی از شوهرت
There was a Khwája who had a daughter with cheeks like (those of) Venus, a face like the moon, and a breast (white) as silver.
خواجهای بودست او را دختری ** زهرهخدی مهرخی سیمینبری
(When) she reached maturity, he gave his daughter to a husband: as regards social rank the husband was not a (good) match for her.
گشت بالغ داد دختر را به شو ** شو نبود اندر کفائت کفو او
When a melon is ripe it becomes watery and goes to waste and ruin unless you slice it.
خربزه چون در رسد شد آبناک ** گر بنشکافی تلف گردد هلاک