- O you whose religion is incapable of (climbing) a single hillock, there are a hundred thousand mountains in front of you.
- ای شده عاجز ز تلی کیش تو ** صد هزاران کوهها در پیش تو
- You are dead with fear of a ridge of this (small) size: how will you climb up precipices (big) as a mountain?
- زین قدر خرپشته مردی از شکوه ** چون روی بر عقبههای همچو کوه
- The warriors, (moved) by (religious) zeal, at that very instant ruthlessly put the infidel to the sword.
- غازیان کشتند کافر را بتیغ ** هم در آن ساعت ز حمیت بیدریغ
- They sprinkled water and rose-water on the face of the Súfí, that he might recover from his unconsciousness and the sleep (of his senses). 3760
- بر رخ صوفی زدند آب و گلاب ** تا به هوش آید ز بیخویشی و خواب
- When he came to himself, he saw the party (of soldiers), and they asked him how it had happened,
- چون به خویش آمد بدید آن قوم را ** پس بپرسیدند چون بد ماجرا
- (Saying), “God! God! what is the matter, O worshipful one? By what thing wert thou made so senseless?
- الله الله این چه حالست ای عزیز ** این چنین بیهوش گشتی از چه چیز
- Was a half-killed pinioned infidel the cause of thy falling into such a senseless and abject plight?”
- از اسیر نیمکشت بستهدست ** این چنین بیهوش افتادی و پست
- He replied, “When I attempted (to cut off) his head in anger, the impudent fellow looked at me queerly.
- گفت چون قصد سرش کردم به خشم ** طرفه در من بنگرید آن شوخچشم
- He opened his eyes wide at me: he rolled his eyes, and consciousness vanished from my body. 3765
- چشم را وا کرد پهن او سوی من ** چشم گردانید و شد هوشم ز تن
- The rolling of his eyes seemed to me an army: I cannot describe how terrible it was.
- گردش چشمش مرا لشکر نمود ** من ندانم گفت چون پر هول بود