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  • ’Tis war, not (a matter of) supping wheat-broth (hamza), that thou shouldst turn up thy sleeve to sup it.
  • چالش است آن حمزه خوردن نیست این  ** تا تو برمالی بخوردن آستین 
  • ’Tis not (like) supping wheat-broth; here (on the field of battle) eye the sword! In this battle-line one needs a Hamza of iron.
  • نیست حمزه خوردن اینجا تیغ بین  ** حمزه‌ای باید درین صف آهنین 
  • Fighting is not the business of any faint-heart who runs away from a spectre (hallucination), like a (flitting) spectre.
  • کار هر نازک‌دلی نبود قتال  ** که گریزد از خیالی چون خیال 
  • ’Tis the business of Turks (Turkán), not of (women like) Tarkán. Begone! Home is the place for Tarkán: go home!”
  • کار ترکانست نه ترکان برو  ** جای ترکان هست خانه خانه شو 
  • Story of ‘Iyádí, may God have mercy on him, who had taken part in seventy campaigns against the infidels and had always fought with his breast bare (unprotected by armour), in the hope that he might become a martyr; and how, despairing of that, he turned from the Lesser Warfare to the Greater Warfare and adopted the practice of (religious) seclusion; and how he suddenly heard the drums of the holy warriors, and the fleshly soul within him urged him violently to take the field; and how he suspected (the motives of) his fleshly soul in desiring this.
  • حکایت عیاضی رحمه‌الله کی هفتاد غزو کرده بود سینه برهنه بر امید شهید شدن چون از آن نومید شد از جهاد اصغر رو به جهاد اکبر آورد و خلوت گزید ناگهان طبل غازیان شنید نفس از اندرون زنجیر می‌درانید سوی غزا و متهم داشتن او نفس خود را درین رغبت 
  • ‘Iyádí said, “Ninety times I came (into battle) unarmed, that perchance I might be (mortally) wounded. 3780
  • گفت عیاضی نود بار آمدم  ** تن برهنه بوک زخمی آیدم 
  • I went unarmed to meet the arrows, in order that I might receive a deep-seated (deadly) arrow-wound.
  • تن برهنه می‌شدم در پیش تیر  ** تا یکی تیری خورم من جای‌گیر 
  • None but a fortunate martyr attains unto (the happiness of) receiving an arrow-wound in the throat or any vital spot.
  • تیر خوردن بر گلو یا مقتلی  ** در نیابد جز شهیدی مقبلی 
  • No place in my body is without wounds: this body of mine is like a sieve from (being pierced with) arrows;
  • بر تنم یک جایگه بی‌زخم نیست  ** این تنم از تیر چون پرویز نیست 
  • But the arrows never (once) hit a vital spot: this is a matter of luck, not of bravery or cunning.
  • لیک بر مقتل نیامد تیرها  ** کار بخت است این نه جلدی و دها 
  • When (I saw that) martyrdom was not the lot of my spirit, I went immediately into (religious) seclusion and (entered on) a forty days' fast. 3785
  • چون شهیدی روزی جانم نبود  ** رفتم اندر خلوت و در چله زود