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  • Such a one must stay, like women, far off from the battle-field and the spears.
  • That one a Súfí and this one (too) a Súfí! Here's a pity! That one is killed by a needle, while the sword is this one's food. 3805
  • He (the false Súfí) is (only) the figure of a Súfí: he has no soul (life); accordingly, the (true) Súfís get a bad name from Súfís such as these.
  • Upon the door and wall of the body moulded of clay God, in His jealousy, traced the figures of a hundred Súfís (of this sort),
  • To the end that by means of magic those figures should move and that Moses' rod should be hidden.
  • The truth of the rod swallows up the figures, (but) the Pharaoh-like eye is filled with dust and gravel (and cannot see).
  • Another Súfí entered the battle-line twenty times for the purpose of fighting 3810
  • Along with the Moslems when they attacked the infidels; he did not fall back with the Moslems in their retreat.
  • He was wounded, but he bandaged the wound which he had received, and once more advanced to the charge and combat,
  • In order that his body might not die cheaply at one blow and that he might receive twenty blows in the battle.