Fuit ille dux (nonnisi) corporis imperator, revera vir non fuit: virilatis semen in ejusmodi arena sevit. [That one was a captain of the body (only), he lacked (true) manliness: he sowed the seed of manliness in such (a place of) sand.]
پهلوان تن بد آن مردی نداشت ** تخم مردی در چنان ریگی بکاشت
The steed of his love tore up a hundred bridles: he (the captain) was shouting, “I care naught for death.3865
مرکب عشقش دریده صد لگام ** نعره میزد لا ابالی بالحمام
What should I care about the Caliph? (Since I am) in love, my life and death are the same to me.”