Consequently, he (Adam) at once besought pardon, while the accursed (Iblís) disdained to repent.
لاجرم او زود استغفار کرد ** وآن لعین از توبه استکبار کرد
The greed of the gullet and pudendum is in truth (a mark of) depravity; but it is not (headstrong like) ambition: it is abasement.
حرص حلق و فرج هم خود بدرگیست ** لیک منصب نیست آن اشکستگیست
If I should relate the root and branch (the whole story) of dominion, another Book would be needed.
بیخ و شاخ این ریاست را اگر ** باز گویم دفتری باید دگر
The Arabs called a restive (high-spirited) horse a “devil” (shaytán); (they did) not (give that name to) the beast of burden that stayed (quietly) in the pasture.
اسپ سرکش را عرب شیطانش خواند ** نی ستوری را که در مرعی بماند
“Devilry” (shaytanat) in lexicology is (synonymous with) “rebelliousness”: this quality is deserving of execration.525
شیطنت گردن کشی بد در لغت ** مستحق لعنت آمد این صفت
There is room for a hundred eaters (guests) round a table, (but) there is not room in the (whole) world for two seekers of dominion.
این جهان محدود و آن خود بی حدست ** نقش و صورت پیش آن معنی سدست
The one is not willing that the other should be on the surface of the earth; so that a prince kills his father for partaking with him (in sovereignty).
آن نخواهد کین بود بر پشت خاک ** تا ملک بکشد پدر را ز اشتراک
Thou hast heard (the saying) that kingship is childless: the seeker of sovereignty has cut (the ties of) relationship because of (his) fear;
آن شنیدستی که الملک عقیم ** قطع خویشی کرد ملکتجو ز بیم
For he is childless and has no son: like fire, he has no kinship with any one.
که عقیمست و ورا فرزند نیست ** همچو آتش با کسش پیوند نیست
Whatsoever he finds he destroys and tears to pieces: when he finds nothing, he devours himself.530
هر چه یابد او بسوزد بر درد ** چون نیابد هیچ خود را میخورد