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  • The body that hath defect in its spirit will never become sweet, (even) if you smear it with honey.
  • آن تنی را که بود در جان خلل  ** خوش نگردد گر بگیری در عسل 
  • This he knows who one day was (spiritually) alive and received a cup from this Soul of the soul;
  • این کسی داند که روزی زنده بود  ** از کف این جان جان جامی ربود 
  • While to him whose eye has not beheld those (beauteous) cheeks this smoky heat is (appears to be) the spirit. 595
  • وانک چشم او ندیدست آن رخان  ** پیش او جانست این تف دخان 
  • Inasmuch as he never saw ‘Umar (ibn) ‘Abdu ’l-‘Azíz, to him even Hajjáj seems just.
  • چون ندید او عمر عبدالعزیز  ** پیش او عادل بود حجاج نیز 
  • Inasmuch as he never saw the firmness (unshakable strength) of the dragon of Moses, he fancies (there is) life in the magic cords.
  • چون ندید او مار موسی را ثبات  ** در حبال سحر پندارد حیات 
  • The bird that has never drunk the limpid water keeps its wings and feathers in the briny water.
  • مرغ کو ناخورده است آب زلال  ** اندر آب شور دارد پر و بال 
  • No opposite can be known except through its opposite: (only) when he (any one) suffers blows will he know (the value of) kindness.
  • جز به ضد ضد را همی نتوان شناخت  ** چون ببیند زخم بشناسد نواخت 
  • Consequently the present life has come in front (first), in order that you may appreciate the realm of Alast. 600
  • لاجرم دنیا مقدم آمدست  ** تا بدانی قدر اقلیم الست 
  • When you are delivered from this place and go to that place, you will give thanks (to God) in the sugar-shop of everlastingness.
  • چون ازینجا وا رهی آنجا روی  ** در شکرخانه‌ی ابد شاکر شوی 
  • You will say, ‘There (in the world below) I was sifting dust, I was fleeing from this pure world.
  • گویی آنجا خاک را می‌بیختم  ** زین جهان پاک می‌بگریختم