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  • The greedy desires that had gone into the concealment of the Unseen rush out and display themselves. 630
  • حرصهای رفته اندر کتم غیب  ** تاختن آورد سر بر زد ز جیب 
  • Every hair on every dog becomes (like) a tooth, though they wag their tails (fawningly) for the sake of gaining their object.
  • موبه موی هر سگی دندان شده  ** وز برای حیله دم جنبان شده 
  • His (the dog's) under-half is cunning, (while) the upper (half) is anger, like a poor fire that gets faggots (fuel);
  • نیم زیرش حیله بالا آن غضب  ** چون ضعیف آتش که یابد او حطب 
  • Flame on flame reaches (it) from (the realm of) non-spatiality: the smoke of its blaze goes up to the sky.
  • شعله شعله می‌رسد از لامکان  ** می‌رود دود لهب تا آسمان 
  • In this body (of ours) a hundred such dogs are sleeping: when they have no prey (in sight), they are hidden.
  • صد چنین سگ اندرین تن خفته‌اند  ** چون شکاری نیستشان بنهفته‌اند 
  • Or they resemble falcons with eyes sealed (covered); (yet) in the veil (hood) consumed with passion for a prey, 635
  • یا چو بازانند و دیده دوخته  ** در حجاب از عشق صیدی سوخته 
  • Till he (the Falconer) lifts the hood and it (the falcon) sees the prey: then it circles the mountains (in pursuit).
  • تا کله بردارد و بیند شکار  ** آنگهان سازد طواف کوهسار 
  • The appetite of the sick man is quiescent: his thoughts are going (are turned) towards health.
  • شهوت رنجور ساکن می‌بود  ** خاطر او سوی صحت می‌رود 
  • When he sees bread and apples and water-melons, his relish and his fear of injury (to himself) come into conflict.
  • چون ببیند نان و سیب و خربزه  ** در مصاف آید مزه و خوف بزه 
  • If he be very self-restrained, the sight (of the food) is a benefit to him: that stimulation (of appetite) is good for his enfeebled constitution;
  • گر بود صبار دیدن سود اوست  ** آن تهیج طبع سستش را نکوست