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  • If he be very self-restrained, the sight (of the food) is a benefit to him: that stimulation (of appetite) is good for his enfeebled constitution;
  • گر بود صبار دیدن سود اوست  ** آن تهیج طبع سستش را نکوست 
  • But if he have not self-restraint, then it were better he had not seen (the food): ’tis better the arrow should be far from the man who is without a coat of mail. 640
  • ور نباشد صبر پس نادیده به  ** تیر دور اولی ز مرد بی‌زره 
  • The answer of the peacock to his interrogator.
  • جواب گفتن طاوس آن سایل را 
  • When he (the peacock) had finished weeping, he said, “Begone, for thou art in pawn (bondage) to colour and perfume.
  • چون ز گریه فارغ آمد گفت رو  ** که تو رنگ و بوی را هستی گرو 
  • Dost not thou perceive that on account of these feathers a hundred afflictions approach me on every side?
  • آن نمی‌بینی که هر سو صد بلا  ** سوی من آید پی این بالها 
  • Oh, many a pitiless fowler always lays a trap for me everywhere for the sake of these feathers.
  • ای بسا صیاد بی‌رحمت مدام  ** بهر این پرها نهد هر سوم دام 
  • How many an archer, for the sake of my plumage, shoots arrows at me (when I am) in the air!
  • چند تیرانداز بهر بالها  ** تیر سوی من کشد اندر هوا 
  • Since I have not strength and self-control (to preserve me) from this destiny and this affliction and these tribulations, 645
  • چون ندارم زور و ضبط خویشتن  ** زین قضا و زین بلا و زین فتن 
  • ’Tis better I should be ugly and hideous, that I may be safe amidst these mountains and deserts.
  • آن به آید که شوم زشت و کریه  ** تا بوم آمن درین کهسار و تیه 
  • These (feathers) are the weapons of my pride, O noble sir: pride brings a hundred afflictions on the proud.
  • این سلاح عجب من شد ای فتی  ** عجب آرد معجبان را صد بلا 
  • Explaining that accomplishments and intellectual abilities and worldly wealth are enemies to (spiritual) life, like the peacock's feathers.
  • بیان آنک هنرها و زیرکیها و مال دنیا هم‌چون پرهای طاوس عدو جانست 
  • Accomplishments, then, are a destruction to the (spiritually) ignorant man, for in his pursuit of the bait he does not see the trap.
  • پس هنر آمد هلاکت خام را  ** کز پی دانه نبیند دام را