Its light is made feeble by the cloud-veil: that noble full-moon becomes less than the new moon.
از حجاب ابر نورش شد ضعیف ** کم ز ماه نو شد آن بدر شریف
The moon is made to appear a phantom by clouds and dust: the cloud, (which is) the body, has caused us to conceive phantasies.
مه خیالی مینماید ز ابر و گرد ** ابر تن ما را خیالاندیش کرد
Behold the kindness of the (Divine) Moon; for this too is His kindness, that He hath said, ‘The clouds are enemies to Us.’
لطف مه بنگر که این هم لطف اوست ** که بگفت او ابرها ما را عدوست
The Moon is independent of clouds and dust: the Moon hath His orbit aloft in the (spiritual) sky.
مه فراغت دارد از ابر و غبار ** بر فراز چرخ دارد مه مدار
The cloud is our mortal enemy and adversary because it hides the Moon from our eyes.690
ابر ما را شد عدو و خصم جان ** که کند مه را ز چشم ما نهان
This veil makes the houri (to appear as) a hag: it makes the full-moon less than a new moon.
حور را این پرده زالی میکند ** بدر را کم از هلالی میکند
The Moon hath seated us in the lap of glory: He hath called our foe His enemy.
ماه ما را در کنار عز نشاند ** دشمن ما را عدوی خویش خواند
The splendour and beauty of the cloud is (derived) from the Moon, (but) whoever calls the cloud the Moon is much astray.
تاب ابر و آب او خود زین مهست ** هر که مه خواند ابر را بس گمرهست
Since the light of the Moon has been poured down upon the cloud, its (the cloud's) dark face has been transfigured by the Moon.
نور مه بر ابر چون منزل شدست ** روی تاریکش ز مه مبدل شدست
Although it is of the same colour as the Moon and is associated with (the Moon's) empire, (yet) in the cloud the light of the Moon is (only) borrowed (impermanent).695
گرچه همرنگ مهست و دولتیست ** اندر ابر آن نور مه عاریتیست