Since the light of the Moon has been poured down upon the cloud, its (the cloud's) dark face has been transfigured by the Moon.
نور مه بر ابر چون منزل شدست ** روی تاریکش ز مه مبدل شدست
Although it is of the same colour as the Moon and is associated with (the Moon's) empire, (yet) in the cloud the light of the Moon is (only) borrowed (impermanent).695
گرچه همرنگ مهست و دولتیست ** اندر ابر آن نور مه عاریتیست
At the Resurrection the sun and moon are discharged (from their office): the eye is occupied in (contemplating) the Source of (their) radiance,
در قیامت شمس و مه معزول شد ** چشم در اصل ضیا مشغول شد
In order that it may know (distinguish) the (permanent) possession from the (temporary) loan, and this perishable caravanseray from the everlasting abode.
تا بداند ملک را از مستعار ** وین رباط فانی از دارالقرار
The nurse is borrowed for three or four days: do thou, O Mother, take us into thy bosom!
دایه عاریه بود روزی سه چار ** مادرا ما را تو گیر اندر کنار
My feathers are (like) the cloud and are a veil and gross: (only) by the reflexion of God's loveliness are they made lovely.
پر من ابرست و پردهست و کثیف ** ز انعکاس لطف حق شد او لطیف
I will pluck my feathers and their beauty from the Way (to God), that I may behold the Moon's beauty (by immediate illumination) from the Moon.700
بر کنم پر را و حسنش را ز راه ** تا ببینم حسن مه را هم ز ماه
I do not want the nurse; (my) Mother is fairer. I am (like) Moses: (my) Mother (herself) is my nurse.
من نخواهم دایه مادر خوشترست ** موسیام من دایهی من مادرست
I do not want (to enjoy) the loveliness of the Moon through an intermediary, for this link is perdition to the people;
من نخواهم لطف مه از واسطه ** که هلاک قوم شد این رابطه
Unless (the intermediary be) a cloud (that) becomes naughted in the Way (to God) in order that it may not be a veil to the face of the Moon.
یا مگر ابری شود فانی راه ** تا نگردد او حجاب روی ماه