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  • In order that it may know (distinguish) the (permanent) possession from the (temporary) loan, and this perishable caravanseray from the everlasting abode.
  • تا بداند ملک را از مستعار  ** وین رباط فانی از دارالقرار 
  • The nurse is borrowed for three or four days: do thou, O Mother, take us into thy bosom!
  • دایه عاریه بود روزی سه چار  ** مادرا ما را تو گیر اندر کنار 
  • My feathers are (like) the cloud and are a veil and gross: (only) by the reflexion of God's loveliness are they made lovely.
  • پر من ابرست و پرده‌ست و کثیف  ** ز انعکاس لطف حق شد او لطیف 
  • I will pluck my feathers and their beauty from the Way (to God), that I may behold the Moon's beauty (by immediate illumination) from the Moon. 700
  • بر کنم پر را و حسنش را ز راه  ** تا ببینم حسن مه را هم ز ماه 
  • I do not want the nurse; (my) Mother is fairer. I am (like) Moses: (my) Mother (herself) is my nurse.
  • من نخواهم دایه مادر خوشترست  ** موسی‌ام من دایه‌ی من مادرست 
  • I do not want (to enjoy) the loveliness of the Moon through an intermediary, for this link is perdition to the people;
  • من نخواهم لطف مه از واسطه  ** که هلاک قوم شد این رابطه 
  • Unless (the intermediary be) a cloud (that) becomes naughted in the Way (to God) in order that it may not be a veil to the face of the Moon.
  • یا مگر ابری شود فانی راه  ** تا نگردد او حجاب روی ماه 
  • In the aspect of lá (self-negation) it (such a cloud) displays His (the Moon's) form, like the bodies of the prophets and saints.
  • صورتش بنماید او در وصف لا  ** هم‌چو جسم انبیا و اولیا 
  • Such a cloud is not veil-tying; it is in reality veil-tearing (and) salutary. 705
  • آنچنان ابری نباشد پرده‌بند  ** پرده‌در باشد به معنی سودمند 
  • ’Tis as when, on a bright morning, drops of rain were falling though there was no cloud above (in the sky).
  • آن‌چنان که اندر صباح روشنی  ** قطره می‌بارید و بالا ابر نی