- The security of those who are (liable to be) devoured brings mourning in its train: go to the Portal of Him who is not fed.
- امن ماکولان جذوب ماتمست ** رو بدان درگاه کو لا یطعم است
- Every phantasy is devouring another phantasy: (one) thought feeds on another thought.
- هر خیالی را خیالی میخورد ** فکر آن فکر دگر را میچرد
- Thou canst not be delivered from any phantasy or fall asleep so as to escape from it (altogether). 730
- تو نتانی کز خیالی وا رهی ** یا بخسپی که از آن بیرون جهی
- (Thy) thoughts are (like) hornets, and thy sleep is (like) the water (in which thou art plunged): when thou awakest, the flies (hornets) come back,
- فکر زنبورست و آن خواب تو آب ** چون شوی بیدار باز آید ذباب
- And many hornet-like phantasies fly in and (now) draw thee this way and (now) take thee that way.
- چند زنبور خیالی در پرد ** میکشد این سو و آن سو میبرد
- This (mental) phantasy is the least of the devourers: the Almighty knows (how great are) the others.
- کمترین آکلانست این خیال ** وآن دگرها را شناسد ذوالجلال
- Hark, flee from the troop of huge devourers towards Him who hath said, ‘We are thy protector’;
- هین گریز از جوق اکال غلیظ ** سوی او که گفت ما ایمت حفیظ
- Or towards one who has gained that (power of) protection, if thou canst not hasten towards the Protector (Himself). 735
- یا به سوی آن که او آن حفظ یافت ** گر نتانی سوی آن حافظ شتافت
- Do not surrender thy hand save to the hand of the Pír (spiritual director); (for) God hath become the aider of his hand.
- دست را مسپار جز در دست پیر ** حق شدست آن دست او را دستگیر
- The Pír (Elder), (which is) thy intellect, has become childish from being a neighbour to the carnal soul which is in the veil (of sensuality).
- پیر عقلت کودکی خو کرده است ** از جوار نفس که اندر پرده است