- Praise consists in describing (excellent qualities) and in rending the veil (of ignorance): the Sun is independent of exposition and description.
- مدح تعریفست در تخریق حجاب ** فارغست از شرح و تعریف آفتاب
- The praiser of the Sun is (really) pronouncing an encomium on himself, for (he says implicitly), “My eyes are clear and not inflamed.”
- مادح خورشید مداح خودست ** که دو چشمم روشن و نامرمدست
- To blame the Sun of the world is to blame one's self, for (it implies), “My eyes are blind and dark and bad.” 10
- ذم خورشید جهان ذم خودست ** که دو چشمم کور و تاریک به دست
- Do thou pity any one in the world who has become envious of the fortunate Sun.
- تو ببخشا بر کسی کاندر جهان ** شد حسود آفتاب کامران
- Can he ever mask it (the Sun) from (men's) eyes and (prevent it) from giving freshness to things rotten?
- تو اندش پوشید هیچ از دیدهها ** وز طراوت دادن پوسیدهها
- Or can they diminish its infinite light or rise in resistance to its power?
- یا ز نور بیحدش توانند کاست ** یا به دفع جاه او توانند خاست
- Whosoever is envious of (him who is) the World—verily, that envy is everlasting death.
- هر کسی کو حاسد کیهان بود ** آن حسد خود مرگ جاویدان بود
- Thy dignity hath transcended intellectual apprehension: in describing thee the intellect has become an idle fool. 15
- قدر تو بگذشت از درک عقول ** عقل اندر شرح تو شد بوالفضول
- (Yet), although this intellect is too weak to declare (what thou art), one must weakly make a movement (attempt) in that (direction).
- گر چه عاجز آمد این عقل از بیان ** عاجزانه جنبشی باید در آن
- Know that when the whole of a thing is unattainable the whole of it is not (therefore to be) relinquished.
- ان شیا کله لا یدرک ** اعلموا ان کله لا یترک