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  • Come, O crow, give up this (animal) soul! Be a falcon, be self-sacrificing in the presence of the Divine transmutation.
  • Take the new and surrender the old, for every “this year” of thine is superior to three “last years.”
  • If thou wilt not be lavish (of thyself) like the date-palm, (then) pile old rags on old rags and make a heap, 810
  • And offer the stinking and rotten old rags to every blind man.
  • He that hath seen the new is not thy customer: he is God's prey, he is not thy captive.
  • (But) wherever is a flock of blind birds, they will gather around thee, O brackish flood-water,
  • That (their) blindness may be increased by (thy) brackish waters; for brackish water increases blindness.
  • Hence the worldly are blind of heart: they are drinkers of the brackish water of clay. 815
  • Continue to give brackish water and buy (the favour of) the blind in the world, since thou hast not the Water of Life within thee.
  • In such a (despicable) state (as has been described) thou wouldst fain live and be remembered: in blackness of face (shame and opprobrium), like a negro, thou art rejoicing.