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  • “Arise! The Sultan has demanded thee: by thee our city will be saved from slaughter.”
  • خیز که سلطان ترا طالب شدست  ** کز تو خواهد شهر ما از قتل رست 
  • He replied, “If I had the foot (power to walk) or any (means of) arrival, I myself would have gone by my own road to my destination.
  • گفت اگر پایم بدی یا مقدمی  ** خود به راه خود به مقصد رفتمی 
  • How should I have remained in this abode of my enemies? I would have pushed on towards the city of my friends.”
  • اندرین دشمن‌کده کی ماندمی  ** سوی شهر دوستان می‌راندمی 
  • They raised the corpse-bearers' board and lifted our Abú Bakr (upon it). 865
  • تخته‌ی مرده‌کشان بفراشتند  ** وان ابوبکر مرا برداشتند 
  • The carriers were taking him along to Khwárizmsháh, that he (the Sultan) might behold the token (which he desired).
  • سوی خوارمشاه حمالان کشان  ** می‌کشیدندش که تا بیند نشان 
  • Sabzawár is this world, and in this place the man of God is wasted and goodfor- naught.
  • سبزوارست این جهان و مرد حق  ** اندرین جا ضایعست و ممتحق 
  • Khwárizmsháh is God Almighty: He demands from this wicked folk the (pure) heart.
  • هست خوارمشاه یزدان جلیل  ** دل همی خواهد ازین قوم رذیل 
  • He (the Prophet) said, “He (God) doth not regard your (outward) form: therefore in your devising seek ye the owner of the Heart.”
  • گفت لا ینظر الی تصویرکم  ** فابتغوا ذا القلب فی‌تدبیر کم 
  • (God says), “I regard thee through the owner of the Heart, not because of the (external) marks of prostration (in prayer) and the giving away of gold (in charities).” 870
  • من ز صاحب‌دل کنم در تو نظر  ** نه به نقش سجده و ایثار زر 
  • Since thou hast deemed thy heart to be the Heart, thou hast abandoned the search after those who possess the Heart—
  • تو دل خود را چو دل پنداشتی  ** جست و جوی اهل دل بگذاشتی