He (the Prophet) said, “He (God) doth not regard your (outward) form: therefore in your devising seek ye the owner of the Heart.”
گفت لا ینظر الی تصویرکم ** فابتغوا ذا القلب فیتدبیر کم
(God says), “I regard thee through the owner of the Heart, not because of the (external) marks of prostration (in prayer) and the giving away of gold (in charities).”870
من ز صاحبدل کنم در تو نظر ** نه به نقش سجده و ایثار زر
Since thou hast deemed thy heart to be the Heart, thou hast abandoned the search after those who possess the Heart—
تو دل خود را چو دل پنداشتی ** جست و جوی اهل دل بگذاشتی