- When you see any one wearing goodly raiment, know that he has gained it by patience and work.
- هر که را بینی یکی جامه درست ** دانک او آن را به صبر و کسب جست
- If you have seen any one naked and destitute, that is a testimony of his lack of patience.
- هرکه را دیدی برهنه و بینوا ** هست بر بیصبری او آن گوا
- Any one who feels lonely and whose soul is full of anguish must have associated with an impostor.
- هرکه مستوحش بود پر غصه جان ** کرده باشد با دغایی اقتران
- If he had shown patience and loyal friendship (to God), he would not have suffered this affliction through being separated from Him.
- صبر اگر کردی و الف با وفا ** ار فراق او نخوردی این قفا
- He would have consorted with God as honey with milk, saying, “I love not them that set.” 1415
- خوی با حق نساختی چون انگبین ** با لبن که لا احب الافلین
- (Then) assuredly he would not have remained alone, even as a fire left on the road by caravaneers.
- لاجرم تنها نماندی همچنان ** که آتشی مانده به راه از کاروان
- (But) since from lack of patience he associated himself with others (than God), in separation from Him he became sorrowful and deprived of good.
- چون ز بیصبری قرین غیر شد ** در فراقش پر غم و بیخیر شد
- Since your friendship is (precious) as pure gold, how are you placing it in trust with a traitor?
- صحبتت چون هست زر دهدهی ** پیش خاین چون امانت مینهی
- Consort with Him with whom your trusts are safe from loss and violation.
- خوی با او کن که امانتهای تو ** آمن آید از افول و از عتو
- Consort with Him who created (human) nature and fostered the natures of the prophets. 1420
- خوی با او کن که خو را آفرید ** خویهای انبیا را پرورید