- Do not listen to the friendliness of the fair-spoken ignorant man, for it is like old (virulent) poison.
- دوستی جاهل شیرینسخن ** کم شنو کان هست چون سم کهن
- He says to you, “O soul of thy mother! O light of my eye!” (but) from those (endearments) only grief and sorrow are added to you.
- جان مادر چشم روشن گویدت ** جز غم و حسرت از آن نفزویدت
- That (foolish) mother says plainly to your father, “My child has grown very thin because of (going to) school.
- مر پدر را گوید آن مادر جهار ** که ز مکتب بچهام شد بس نزار
- If thou hadst gotten him by another wife, thou wouldst not have treated him with such cruelty and unkindness.”
- از زن دیگر گرش آوردیی ** بر وی این جور و جفا کم کردیی
- (Your father replies), “Had this child of mine been (born) of another (wife), not of thee, that wife too would have talked this (same) nonsense.” 1435
- از جز تو گر بدی این بچهام ** این فشار آن زن بگفتی نیز هم
- Beware, recoil from this mother and from her blandishments: your father's slaps are better than her sweetmeat.
- هین بجه زن مادر و تیبای او ** سیلی بابا به از حلوای او
- The mother is the carnal soul, and the father is noble reason: its beginning is constraint, but its end is a hundred expansions (of the spirit).
- هست مادر نفس و بابا عقل راد ** اولش تنگی و آخر صد گشاد
- O Giver of (all) understandings, come to my help: none wills (aught) unless Thou will (it).
- ای دهندهی عقلها فریاد رس ** تا نخواهی تو نخواهد هیچ کس
- Both the desire (for good) and the good action (itself) proceed from Thee: who are we? Thou art the First, Thou art the Last.
- هم طلب از تست و هم آن نیکوی ** ما کییم اول توی آخر توی
- Do Thou speak and do Thou hear and do Thou be! We are wholly naught notwithstanding all this hewing. 1440
- هم بگو تو هم تو بشنو هم تو باش ** ما همه لاشیم با چندین تراش