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  • All this conditionality is tossing like foam on the surface of the unconditioned Sea.
  • این همه چون و چگونه چون زبد  ** بر سر دریای بی‌چون می‌طپد 
  • In its (the Sea’s) essence and action there is neither opposite nor like: by it (alone) are (all) existences clothed in robes (of existence).
  • ضد و ندش نیست در ذات و عمل  ** زان بپوشیدند هستیها حلل 
  • How should an opposite bestow being and existence on its opposite? Nay, it flees and escapes from it.
  • ضد ضد را بود و هستی کی دهد  ** بلک ازو بگریزد و بیرون جهد 
  • What is (the meaning of) nidd? The like (mithl) of (something) good or bad. How should a like make its own like? 1620
  • ند چه بود مثل مثل نیک و بد  ** مثل مثل خویشتن را کی کند 
  • When there are two likes, O God-fearing man, why should this one be more fit than that one for (the purpose of) creating?
  • چونک دو مثل آمدند ای متقی  ** این چه اولیتر از آن در خالقی 
  • Opposites and likes, in number as the leaves of the orchard, are (but) as a flake of foam on the Sea that hath no like or opposite.
  • بر شمار برگ بستان ند و ضد  ** چون کفی بر بحر بی‌ضدست و ند 
  • Perceive that the victory and defeat of the Sea are unconditioned: how, (then), should there be room for conditionality in the essence of the Sea?
  • بی‌چگونه بین تو برد و مات بحر  ** چون چگونه گنجد اندر ذات بحر 
  • Your soul is the least of its playthings; (yet) how can the quality and description of the soul be ascertained?
  • کمترین لعبت او جان تست  ** این چگونه و چون جان کی شد درست 
  • Such a Sea, then, with every drop whereof the intellect and the spirit are more unfamiliar than the body— 1625
  • پس چنان بحری که در هر قطر آن  ** از بدن ناشی‌تر آمد عقل و جان 
  • How should it be contained in the narrow room of quantity and quality? There (even) Universal Reason is one of the ignorant.
  • کی بگنجد در مضیق چند و چون  ** عقل کل آنجاست از لا یعلمون