How should the vulgar, in their love for bedfellow and dishes (of food), have any care for love of God's work?
عامه را از عشق همخوابه و طبق ** کی بود پروای عشق صنع حق
You do not pour tutmáj broth into a trough till there are a number of greedy dogs to drink it.
آب تتماجی نریزی در تغار ** تا سگی چندی نباشد طعمهخوار
Go, be the Cave-dog of His Lordship in order that His election (of you) may deliver you from this trough.
رو سگ کهف خداوندیش باش ** تا رهاند زین تغارت اصطفاش
When he (the story-teller) related the pitiless thefts which those tailors commit in secret,1665
چونک دزدیهای بیرحمانه گفت ** کی کنند آن درزیان اندر نهفت
A Turk from Khitá (who was) amongst the crowd (audience) was exceedingly annoyed by that exposure.
اندر آن هنگامه ترکی از خطا ** سخت طیره شد ز کشف آن غطا
At night-time he (the story-teller) was exposing those secrets (of the tailors) for the benefit of the intelligent (listeners), as (plainly as secrets shall be exposed) on the Day of Resurrection.
شب چو روز رستخیز آن رازها ** کشف میکرد از پی اهل نهی
Wherever you come to close quarters with a wrangle, you will see there two enemies (engaged) in exposing (each other's) secret.
هر کجا آیی تو در جنگی فراز ** بینی آنجا دو عدو در کشف راز
Know that that hour (of quarrel) is (like) the (hour of the) Last Judgement mentioned (in the Qur’án), and know that the throat which tells the secret is (like) the trumpet (of Isráfíl);
آن زمان را محشر مذکور دان ** وان گلوی رازگو را صور دان
For God hath provided the motives of anger and (thus) hath cause those shameful things to be divulged.1670
که خدا اسباب خشمی ساختست ** وآن فضایح را بکوی انداختست
When he (the story-teller) had related many instances of the perfidy of tailors, the Turk became annoyed and angry and aggrieved,
بس که غدر درزیان را ذکر کرد ** حیف آمد ترک را و خشم و درد