At night-time he (the story-teller) was exposing those secrets (of the tailors) for the benefit of the intelligent (listeners), as (plainly as secrets shall be exposed) on the Day of Resurrection.
شب چو روز رستخیز آن رازها ** کشف میکرد از پی اهل نهی
Wherever you come to close quarters with a wrangle, you will see there two enemies (engaged) in exposing (each other's) secret.
هر کجا آیی تو در جنگی فراز ** بینی آنجا دو عدو در کشف راز
Know that that hour (of quarrel) is (like) the (hour of the) Last Judgement mentioned (in the Qur’án), and know that the throat which tells the secret is (like) the trumpet (of Isráfíl);
آن زمان را محشر مذکور دان ** وان گلوی رازگو را صور دان
For God hath provided the motives of anger and (thus) hath cause those shameful things to be divulged.1670
که خدا اسباب خشمی ساختست ** وآن فضایح را بکوی انداختست
When he (the story-teller) had related many instances of the perfidy of tailors, the Turk became annoyed and angry and aggrieved,
بس که غدر درزیان را ذکر کرد ** حیف آمد ترک را و خشم و درد
And said, ‘O story-teller, in your city who is the greatest expert in this (kind of) deceit and fraud?’
گفت ای قصاص در شهر شما ** کیست استاتر درین مکر و دغا
[How the Turk boasted and wagered that the tailor would not be able to steal anything from him.]
دعوی کردن ترک و گرو بستن او کی درزی از من چیزی نتواند بردن
He replied, ‘There is a tailor named Pír-i Shush who beats (all other) folk in light-fingeredness and thievery.’