- You are very angry with its quartile aspects and its disdain and enmity and mischiefs;
- سخت میتولی ز تربیعات او ** وز دلال و کینه و آفات او
- You are very annoyed with its silence and inauspiciousness and severity and its endeavour to show hostility,
- سخت میرنجی ز خاموشی او ** وز نحوس و قبض و کینکوشی او
- Saying, ‘Why doesn't the merry Venus dance?’ Do not depend on its good luck and auspicious dance.
- که چرا زهرهی طرب در رقص نیست ** بر سعود و رقص سعد او مهایست
- Your star says, ‘If I jest any more, I shall cause you to be swindled entirely.’ 1725
- اخترت گوید که گر افزون کنم ** لاغ را پس کلیت مغبون کنم
- Do not regard the counterfeiting of these stars: regard your love for the counterfeiter, O despicable man.
- تو مبین قلابی این اختران ** عشق خود بر قلبزن بین ای مهان
- A certain man was on the way to his shop (when) he found the road in front of him barred by women.
- آن یکی میشد به ره سوی دکان ** پیش ره را بسته دید او از زنان
- He was hurrying along hot-foot, and the way was blocked by a crowd of women (beautiful) as the moon.
- پای او میسوخت از تعجیل و راه ** بسته از جوق زنان همچو ماه
- He turned his face to one woman and said, ‘O vile (creature), how numerous you are, little girls, eh!’
- رو به یک زن کرد و گفت ای مستهان ** هی چه بسیارید ای دخترچگان
- The woman turned towards him and replied, ‘O man of trust, do not think it dreadful that there are so many of us. 1730
- رو بدو کرد آن زن و گفت ای امین ** هیچ بسیاری ما منکر مبین
- Consider that notwithstanding the multitude of us on the earth you (men) find it insufficient for your enjoyment.
- بین که با بسیاری ما بر بساط ** تنگ میآید شما را انبساط