- The pregnant (trees) and the children on their laps are evidence of dalliance with the Spring.
- حاملان و بچگانشان بر کنار ** شد دلیل عشقبازی با بهار
- Every tree (engaged) in suckling its children is impregnated, like Mary, by a King unseen.
- هر درختی در رضاع کودکان ** همچو مریم حامل از شاهی نهان
- Although in (boiling) water the heat of fire is concealed (from view), a hundred thousand bubbles froth upon it,
- گرچه صد در آب آتشی پوشیده شد ** صد هزاران کف برو جوشیده شد
- And though the fire works very secretly, the froth indicates (its presence) with ten fingers.
- گرچه آتش سخت پنهان میتند ** کف بده انگشت اشارت میکند
- In like manner (all) the parts of those intoxicated with union are pregnant with the (ideal) forms of (ecstatic) feelings and words. 1810
- همچنین اجزای مستان وصال ** حامل از تمثالهای حال و قال
- Their mouths remain gaping (in amazement) at the beauty of (that) ecstasy, (while) their eyes are absent (withdrawn) from the forms of this world.
- در جمال حال وا مانده دهان ** چشم غایب گشته از نقش جهان
- Those (spiritual) progenies are not (produced) by means of these four (elements); consequently they are not seen by these eyes.
- آن موالید از زه این چار نیست ** لاجرم منظور این ابصار نیست
- Those progenies are born of (Divine) illumination; consequently they are covered (from sight) by a pure veil.
- آن موالید از تجلی زادهاند ** لاجرم مستور پردهی سادهاند
- We said “born,” but in reality they are not born, and this expression is only (used) in order to guide (the understanding).
- زاده گفتیم و حقیقت زاد نیست ** وین عبارت جز پی ارشاد نیست
- Hark, be silent that the King of Say may speak: do not play the nightingale with a Rose of this kind. 1815
- هین خمش کن تا بگوید شاه قل ** بلبلی مفروش با این جنس گل