- I am flying ecstatically, like a pigeon, about this roof and pigeon-house.
- گرد این بام و کبوترخانه من ** چون کبوتر پر زنم مستانه من
- I am Love's Gabriel, and thou art my Lotus-tree; I am the sick man, and thou art (my) Jesus son of Mary.
- جبرئیل عشقم و سدرهم توی ** من سقیمم عیسی مریم توی
- Let that pearl-shedding sea (of thine) break into surge: to-day ask kindly after this ailing one.
- جوش ده آن بحر گوهربار را ** خوش بپرس امروز این بیمار را
- When thou hast become his, the sea (of spiritual mysteries) is his, even though this is the hour of his crisis. 2000
- چون تو آن او شدی بحر آن اوست ** گرچه این دم نوبت بحران اوست
- This (Mathnawí) is only the wailful music that he has uttered; (as for) that which is (kept) hidden (within him), (have) mercy, O Lord!
- این خود آن نالهست کو کرد آشکار ** آنچ پنهانست یا رب زینهار
- We have two vocal mouths, like the reed: one mouth is hidden in his lips.
- دو دهان داریم گویا همچو نی ** یک دهان پنهانست در لبهای وی
- One mouth is wailing unto you: it lets (many) a shrill note fall on the air;
- یک دهان نالان شده سوی شما ** های هویی در فکنده در هوا
- But every one who hath insight knows that the lamentation (issuing) at this end is (inspired) from that end.
- لیک داند هر که او را منظرست ** که فغان این سری هم زان سرست
- The noise of this reed is from his breaths: the spirit's outcry is from his outcry. 2005
- دمدمهی این نای از دمهای اوست ** های هوی روح از هیهای اوست
- If the reed had no converse with his lip, the reed would not fill the world with (music sweet as) sugar.
- گر نبودی با لبش نی را سمر ** نی جهان را پر نکردی از شکر