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  • Do not ward off the rain and the (heat of the) sun!” so that the people went in haste to that Apostle (Shu‘ayb),
  • Crying, “We are dead for the most part: mercy, O Prince!” Read the rest of it in the book of commentary (on the Qur’án).
  • Since that deft-handed One made the rod (of Moses) a serpent, that instance is enough if you have any intelligence.
  • You possess (the faculty of) consideration, but it does not go deep (into the subject): it is a frozen spring and has stopped (flowing). 2180
  • Hence the (Divine) Artist who depicts thoughts is saying, “Consider deeply, O (My) servant.”
  • He does not mean (to say), “Beat cold iron,” but (what He means is) “O (thou who art hard as) steel, devote thyself to David.”
  • If your body is dead, resort to Isráfíl; if your heart is frozen, repair to the sun of the Spirit.
  • Inasmuch as you have wrapped yourself in the garment of phantasy, lo, you will (soon) reach (the position of) the evil-minded sophist (sceptic).
  • Verily he was dispossessed of the kernel (which is) Reason: he was dispossessed of (true) perception and deprived of (immediate) experience. 2185
  • Hark, O mouther, ’tis the hour for mumbling: if thou speak (clearly) to the people, ’tis a shameful exposure.