- It did not tell you to draw the bow hard: it bade you put (the arrow) to the bow, not ‘shoot with your full strength.’
- او نگفتت که کمان را سختکش ** در کمان نه گفت او نه پر کنش
- You, from (motives of) vanity, raised the bow aloft and brought to a high pitch the art of archery. 2350
- از فضولی تو کمان افراشتی ** صنعت قواسیی بر داشتی
- Go, renounce this skill in drawing the strongbow: put the arrow to the bow and do not seek to draw to the full extent (of your power).
- ترک این سخته کمانی رو بگو ** در کمان نه تیر و پریدن مجو
- When it (the arrow) falls, dig up the spot and search: abandon (trust in) strength and seek the gold by means of piteous supplication.”
- چون بیفتد بر کن آنجا میطلب ** زور بگذار و بزاری جو ذهب
- That which is real is nearer than the neck-artery; you have shot the arrow of thought far afield.
- آنچ حقست اقرب از حبل الورید ** تو فکنده تیر فکرت را بعید
- O you who have provided yourself with bow and arrows, the prey is near and you have shot far.
- ای کمان و تیرها بر ساخته ** صید نزدیک و تو دور انداخته
- The farther one shoots, the farther away and more separated is he from a treasure like this. 2355
- هرکه دوراندازتر او دورتر ** وز چنین گنجست او مهجورتر
- The philosopher killed (exhausted) himself with thinking: let him run on (in vain), for his back is turned towards the treasure.
- فلسفی خود را از اندیشه بکشت ** گو بدو کوراست سوی گنج پشت
- Let him run on: the more he runs, the more remote does he become from the object of his heart’s desire.
- گو بدو چندانک افزون میدود ** از مراد دل جداتر میشود
- That (Divine) King said, “(those who) have striven in (for) Us”: He did not say, “(those who) have striven away from Us,” O restless one,
- جاهدوا فینا بگفت آن شهریار ** جاهدوا عنا نگفت ای بیقرار