- There may happen to be amongst them a lamp that has become aflame with the light of Heaven,
- بوک مصباحی فتد اندر میان ** مشتعل گشته ز نور آسمان
- (For) the jealousy of God has produced a veil (of concealment) and has mingled the low and the lofty together. 2615
- غیرت حق پردهای انگیختست ** سفلی و علوی به هم آمیختست
- He hath said, “Travel”: always be seeking in the world and trying your fortune and (destined) lot.
- گفت سیروا میطلب اندر جهان ** بخت و روزی را همیکن امتحان
- In (all) assembly-places always be seeking amidst the intellects such an intellect as is (found) in the Prophet,
- در مجالس میطلب اندر عقول ** آن چنان عقلی که بود اندر رسول
- For the only heritage from the Prophet is that (intellect) which perceives the unseen things before and behind (future and past).
- زانک میراث از رسول آنست و بس ** که ببیند غیبها از پیش و پس
- Amidst the (inward) eyes, too, always be seeking that (inward) eye which this epitome has not the power to describe.
- در بصرها میطلب هم آن بصر ** که نتابد شرح آن این مختصر
- Hence the majestic (Prophet) has forbidden monkery and going to live as a hermit in the mountains, 2620
- بهر این کردست منع آن با شکوه ** از ترهب وز شدن خلوت به کوه
- In order that this kind of meeting (with saints) should not be lost; for to be looked on by them is fortune and an elixir of immortality.
- تا نگردد فوت این نوع التقا ** کان نظر بختست و اکسیر بقا
- Amongst the righteous there is one (who is) the most righteous: on his diploma (is inscribed) by the Sultan's hand a sahh,
- در میان صالحان یک اصلحیست ** بر سر توقیعش از سلطان صحیست
- (Indicating) that the prayer (uttered by him) is (inseparably) linked with acceptance, (and that) the greatest of men and Jinn are not his peers.
- کان دعا شد با اجابت مقترن ** کفو او نبود کبار انس و جن