- To the friend, when he is seated beside his Friend, a hundred thousand tablets of mystery are made known.
- یار را با یار چون بنشسته شد ** صد هزاران لوح سر دانسته شد
- The brow of the Friend is a Guarded Tablet: to him (his friend) it reveals plainly the secret of the two worlds.
- لوح محفوظ است پیشانی یار ** راز کونینش نماید آشکار
- The Friend is the guide on the way during (his friend's) advance: hence Mustafá (Mohammed) said, “My Companions are (like) the stars.”
- هادی راهست یار اندر قدوم ** مصطفی زین گفت اصحابی نجوم
- The star shows the way in (desert) sands and on the sea: fix thine eye on the (spiritual) Star, for he is the one to be followed.
- نجم اندر ریگ و دریا رهنماست ** چشم اندر نجم نه کو مقتداست
- Keep thine eye always paired with (unseparated from) his face: do not stir up dust by way of discussion and argument, 2645
- چشم را با روی او میدار جفت ** گرد منگیزان ز راه بحث و گفت
- Because the Star will be hidden by that dust: the eye is better than the stumbling tongue.
- زانک گردد نجم پنهان زان غبار ** چشم بهتر از زبان با عثار
- (Be silent) in order that he may speak whose innermost garment is (Divine) inspiration which lays the dust and does not stir up trouble.
- تا بگوید او که وحیستش شعار ** کان نشاند گرد و ننگیزد غبار
- When Adam became the theatre of (Divine) inspiration and love, his rational soul revealed (to him) the knowledge of the Names.
- چون شد آدم مظهر وحی و وداد ** ناطقهی او علم الاسما گشاد
- His tongue, (reading) from the page of his heart, recited the name of everything as it (really) is.
- نام هر چیزی چنانک هست آن ** از صحیفهی دل روی گشتش زبان
- Through his (inward) vision his tongue was divulging the properties and quiddities of all things. 2650
- فاش میگفتی زبان از ریتش ** جمله را خاصیت و ماهیتش