- One night the husband said to his wife, “Ask him privately what is the matter with him.
- گفت خاتون را شبی شوهر که تو ** باز پرسش در خلا از حال او
- You are in the place of a mother to him: maybe he will disclose his trouble to you.”
- تو به جای مادری او را بود ** که غم خود پیش تو پیدا کند
- When the mistress heard these words, next day she went to the slave. 275
- چونک خاتون در گوش این کلام ** روز دیگر رفت نزدیک غلام
- Then the dame combed his head very fondly with many endearments and signs of friendliness.
- پس سرش را شانه میکرد آن ستی ** با دو صد مهر و دلال و آشتی
- In the fashion of fond mothers she soothed him until he began to explain,
- آنچنان که مادران مهربان ** نرم کردش تا در آمد در بیان
- Saying, “I did not expect this from you—that you would give your daughter to a cross-grained stranger.
- که مرا اومید از تو این نبود ** که دهی دختر به بیگانهی عنود
- She is my master's child, and I am heart-sick: is it not a shame that she should go elsewhere (as a bride)?”
- خواجهزادهی ما و ما خستهجگر ** حیف نبود که رود جای دگر
- The mistress, (impelled) by the anger that rose in her, was about to strike him and hurl him down from the roof, 280
- خواست آن خاتون ز خشمی که آمدش ** که زند وز بام زیر اندازدش
- Saying (to herself), “Who is he, a whoreson Hindú, that he should desire a Khwája's daughter?”
- کو که باشد هندوی مادرغری ** که طمع دارد به خواجه دختری
- (But) she said, “Patience is best,” and restrained herself; (afterwards) she said to the Khwája, “Listen to this wonderful thing!
- گفت صبر اولی بود خود را گرفت ** گفت با خواجه که بشنو این شگفت