- (The mouse said), “One end must be tied to the foot of this slave (who is bent) double, and the other (end) to thy foot,
- یک سری بر پای این بندهی دوتو ** بست باید دیگرش بر پای تو
- That by this device we two persons may come together and mingle as the soul with the body.”
- تا به هم آییم زین فن ما دو تن ** اندر آمیزیم چون جان با بدن
- The body is like a string (tied) on the foot of the soul, drawing it (down) from Heaven to earth. 2735
- هست تن چون ریسمان بر پای جان ** میکشاند بر زمینش ز آسمان
- When the frog-like soul escapes from the mouse-like body into the water, (which is) the sleep of unconsciousness, it enters into a happy state;
- چغز جان در آب خواب بیهشی ** رسته از موش تن آید در خوشی
- (But) the mouse-like body pulls it back with that string: how much bitterness does the soul taste from this pulling!
- موش تن زان ریسمان بازش کشد ** چند تلخی زین کشش جان میچشد
- Were it not for the pulling of the scatter-brained mouse, the frog would have enjoyed himself in the water.
- گر نبودی جذب موش گندهمغز ** عیشها کردی درون آب چغز
- You will hear the rest of it from the light-giving (illumination) of the Sun when you rise from slumber on the Day (of Resurrection).
- باقیش چون روز برخیزی ز خواب ** بشنوی از نوربخش آفتاب
- (The mouse said), “Knot one end of the string on my foot and the other end on thine, 2740
- یک سر رشته گره بر پای من ** زان سر دیگر تو پا بر عقده زن
- That I may be able to pull thee to this dry land: lo, the end of the string (the object of my plan) is (now) clear (to thee).”
- تا توانم من درین خشکی کشید ** مر ترا نک شد سر رشته پدید
- This news (proposal) was disagreeable to the heart of the frog, (who thought to himself), “This wicked fellow will bring me into a tangle.”
- تلخ آمد بر دل چغز این حدیث ** که مرا در عقده آرد این خبیث