- Nothing will be a (safe) repository (for it) except a mantle like this: nothing else can endure Our Light.
- جز چنین خرقه نخواهد شد صوان ** نور ما را بر نتابد غیر آن
- If Mt Qáf should come forward as a barrier (to it), the Light would rend it asunder like Mt Sinai.” 3065
- کوه قاف ار پیش آید بهرسد ** همچو کوه طور نورش بر درد
- Through the (Divine) omnipotence the bodies of (holy) men have gained ability to support the unconditioned Light.
- از کمال قدرت ابدان رجال ** یافت اندر نور بیچون احتمال
- His (God's) power makes a glass vessel the dwelling-place of that (Light) of which Sinai cannot bear (even) a mote.
- آنچ طورش بر نتابد ذرهای ** قدرتش جا سازد از قارورهای
- A lamp-niche and a lamp-glass have become the dwelling-place of the Light by which Mt Qáf and Mt Sinai are torn to pieces.
- گشت مشکات و زجاجی جای نور ** که همیدرد ز نور آن قاف و طور
- Know that their (the holy men's) bodies are the lamp-niche and their hearts the glass: this lamp illumines the empyrean and the heavens.
- جسمشان مشکات دان دلشان زجاج ** تافته بر عرش و افلاک این سراج
- Their (the heavens') light is dazzled by this Light and vanishes like the stars in this radiance of morning. 3070
- نورشان حیران این نور آمده ** چون ستاره زین ضحی فانی شده
- Hence the Seal of the prophets has related (the saying) of the everlasting and eternal Lord—
- زین حکایت کرد آن ختم رسل ** از ملیک لا یزال و لم یزل
- “I am not contained in the heavens or in the void or in the exalted intelligences and souls;
- که نگنجیدم در افلاک و خلا ** در عقول و در نفوس با علا
- (But) I am contained, as a guest, in the true believer's heart, without qualification or definition or description,
- در دل مومن بگنجیدم چو ضیف ** بی ز چون و بی چگونه بی ز کیف