- To the end that by the mediation of that heart (all) above and below may win from Me sovereignties and fortune.
- در دل مومن بگنجیدم چو ضیف ** بی ز چون و بی چگونه بی ز کیف
- Without such a mirror neither Earth nor Time could bear the vision of My beauty. 3075
- بیچنین آیینه از خوبی من ** برنتابد نه زمین و نه زمن
- I caused the steed of (My) mercy to gallop over the two worlds: I fashioned a very spacious mirror.
- بر دو کون اسپ ترحم تاختیم ** پس عریض آیینهای بر ساختیم
- From this mirror (appear) at every moment fifty (spiritual) wedding-feasts: hearken to the mirror, but do not ask (Me) to describe it.”
- هر دمی زین آینه پنجاه عرس ** بشنو آیینه ولی شرحش مپرس
- The gist (of the discourse) is this, that he (Moses) made a veil of his raiment, since he knew the penetrativeness of (the light of) that Moon.
- حاصل این کزلبس خویشش پرده ساخت ** که نفوذ آن قمر را میشناخت
- Had the veil been (made) of anything except his raiment, it would have been torn to shreds, (even) if it had been (like) a solid mountain.
- گر بدی پرده ز غیر لبس او ** پاره گشتی گر بدی کوه دوتو
- It (the Light) would penetrate through iron walls: what contrivance could the veil employ against the Light of God? 3080
- ز آهنین دیوارها نافذ شدی ** توبره با نور حق چه فن زدی
- That veil had become glowing: it was the mantle of a gnostic in the moment of ecstasy.
- گشته بود آن توبره صاحب تفی ** بود وقت شور خرقهی عارفی
- The fire is deposited (becomes immanent) in the tinder because it (the tinder) is already familiar with the fire.
- زان شود آتش رهین سوخته ** کوست با آتش ز پیش آموخته
- And in sooth Safúrá, from desire and love for that Light of true guidance, sacrificed both her eyes.
- وز هوا و عشق آن نور رشاد ** خود صفورا هر دو دیده باد داد