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  • When you have been ‘Umar in one shop, go (your way) and do not expect to obtain bread in all Káshán.
  • چون به یک دکان عمر بودی برو  ** در همه کاشان ز نان محروم شو 
  • But if you have said in one shop, “(I am) ‘Alí,” (then you may) obtain bread from this place (shop) without being passed on (to another shop) and without trouble. 3230
  • ور به یک دکان علی گفتی بگیر  ** نان ازینجا بی‌حواله و بی‌زحیر 
  • Since the squinter who sees two (instead of one) is deprived of the enjoyment of delicious food, (your case is worse, for) you are seeing ten, O you who would sell your mother!
  • احول دو بین چو بی‌بر شد ز نوش  ** احول ده بینی ای مادر فروش 
  • Because of seeing double, wander (to and fro) like ‘Umar in this Káshán of earth, since you are not ‘Alí.
  • اندرین کاشان خاک از احولی  ** چون عمر می‌گرد چو نبوی علی 
  • In this ruined monastery the man who sees double is (continually) removing from one nook to another, O (you who say to yourself), “The good (which I seek) is (to be found) there.”
  • هست احول را درین ویرانه دیر  ** گوشه گوشه نقل نو ای ثم خیر 
  • But if you get two eyes that can recognise God, (you will) see (that) the (entire) expanse of both worlds (is) full of the Beloved,
  • ور دو چشم حق‌شناس آمد ترا  ** دوست پر بین عرصه‌ی هر دو سرا 
  • (And so) you escape from being transferred from place to place in this Káshán (which is) filled with fear and hope. 3235
  • وا رهیدی از حواله‌ی جا به جا  ** اندرین کاشان پر خوف و رجا 
  • (If) you have seen buds or trees (reflected) in this River, do not suppose that they are a phantom (illusion) like (those of) any (ordinary) river;
  • اندرین جو غنچه دیدی یا شجر  ** هم‌چو هر جو تو خیالش ظن مبر 
  • For by means of the very reflexion of these images God is made real to you and sells (to you) the fruit (of reality).
  • که ترا از عین این عکس نقوش  ** حق حقیقت گردد و میوه‌فروش 
  • By means of this Water the eye is freed from seeing double: it sees the reflexion, and the basket is filled (with fruit).
  • چشم ازین آب از حول حر می‌شود  ** عکس می‌بیند سد پر می‌شود