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  • In that quarter where, in order to avert a calamity, you seek wind for (winnowing) the corn or (speeding) a ship (on its way);
  • In that quarter which is signified by the heart when the tongue utters the expression ‘Yá Hú.’ 3320
  • He is always with God (and) beyond ‘where? where?’ (kú, kú). Would that like weavers I might have said má kú!
  • Where is our reason, that it should (be able to) perceive the spiritual West and East (the universal Divine epiphany) flashing forth a hundred kinds of splendour?
  • His (the Khwája's) ebb and flow was caused by a (great) foaming Sea: (now) the ebb has ceased and (only) the flow remains.
  • I am nine thousand (dinars) in debt and have no resources: there are (only) a hundred dinars, (resulting) from this subscription.
  • God hath withdrawn thee (from this world) and I am left in agony: I am going (hence) in despair, O thou whose dust is sweet! 3325
  • Keep in thy mind a prayer for thy grief-stricken (mourner), O thou whose face and hands and prayers are auspicious.
  • I come to the spring and the source of (all) fountains: I find in it instead of water blood.
  • The sky is the same sky, (but) ’tis not the same moonlight: the river is the same river, (but) the water is not the same water.