- He stood and listened to the Sultan's intimate talk, while inwardly his thought was weaving this (prayer)— 3385
- ایستاده راز سلطان میشنید ** واندرون اندیشهاش این میتنید
- “O God, if that young man (the Amír) has gone the wrong way, for ’tis not fitting to make any one except Thee a refuge,
- کای خداگر آن جوان کژ رفت راه ** که نشاید ساختن جز تو پناه
- (Yet) do Thou act in Thine own (generous) fashion and be not offended with him although he beseech any (poor) prisoner (like me) to deliver him,
- تو از آن خود بکن از وی مگیر ** گرچه او خواهد خلاص از هر اسیر
- Because all these creatures (of Thine) are in need (of Thee): take (it that) all (are alike in this respect) from a beggar to the Sultan (himself).”
- زانک محتاجند این خلقان همه ** از گدایی گیر تا سلطان همه
- To seek guidance from candle and wick when the perfect Sun is present,
- با حضور آفتاب با کمال ** رهنمایی جستن از شمع و ذبال
- To seek light from candle and lamp when the smoothly-rolling Sun is present, 3390
- با حضور آفتاب خوشمساغ ** روشنایی جستن از شمع و چراغ
- Doubtless ’tis irreverence on our part, ’tis ingratitude and an act of self-will,
- بیگمان ترک ادب باشد ز ما ** کفر نعمت باشد و فعل هوا
- But most minds in (their) thinking are lovers of darkness, like the bat.
- لیک اغلب هوشها در افتکار ** همچو خفاشند ظلمت دوستدار
- If the bat eats a worm during the night, (yet it is) the Sun (that) fosters the life of the worm.
- در شب ار خفاش کرمی میخورد ** کرم را خورشید جان میپرورد
- If the bat is intoxicated with (the pleasure of eating) a worm during the night, (yet it is) by the Sun (that) the worm has been caused to move.
- در شب ار خفاش از کرمیست مست ** کرم از خورشید جنبنده شدست