Because of this veil, these thirsty ones who are (so) fond of the foam have got out of reach of the pure Water.3430
زین حجاب این تشنگان کفپرست ** ز آب صافی اوفتاده دوردست
“O (Divine) Sun, notwithstanding (that we have) a qibla (object of adoration) and Imám like Thee, we worship the night and behave in the manner of bats.
آفتابا با چو تو قبله و امام ** شبپرستی و خفاشی میکنیم
Make these bats to fly towards Thee and redeem them from this bat-like disposition, O Thou whose protection is implored!
سوی خود کن این خفاشان را مطار ** زین خفاشیشان بخر ای مستجار
This youth (the Amír), by (committing) this sin, has gone astray and trespassed (against Thee), for he came to me (for help); but do not chastise him.”
این جوان زین جرم ضالست و مغیر ** که بمن آمد ولی او را مگیر
In the ‘Imádu ’l-Mulk these thoughts were raging like a lion (rushing) through the jungles.
در عماد الملک این اندیشهها ** گشته جوشان چون اسد در بیشهها
His exterior (person) stood before the Sultan, (but) his soaring spirit was in the meadows of the Unseen.3435
ایستاده پیش سلطان ظاهرش ** در ریاض غیب جان طایرش
Like the angels, he was momently being intoxicated with fresh draughts (of spiritual wine) in the realm of Alast;
چون ملایک او به اقلیم الست ** هر دمی میشد به شرب تازه مست
Inwardly (merry as) a wedding-feast, but outwardly like a man filled with sorrow; a delectable world (concealed) in a tomb-like body.
اندرون سور و برون چون پر غمی ** در تن همچون لحد خوش عالمی
He was in this (state of) bewilderment and waiting to see what would appear from the (world of) things occult and mysterious,
او درین حیرت بد و در انتظار ** تا چه پیدا آید از غیب و سرار
(When) at that time the officers brought the horse along into the presence of the Khwárizmsháh.
اسپ را اندر کشیدند آن زمان ** پیش خوارمشاه سرهنگان کشان