- (Whilst) thou art inside the egg, like chicks, thou canst not hear the glorification of God by the birds of the (supermundane) air.
- در میان بیضهای چون فرخها ** نشنوی تسبیح مرغان هوا
- The miracles (of the Prophet) will not be set forth here: tell of the horse and the Khwárizmsháh and what happened. 3450
- معجزات اینجا نخواهد شرح گشت ** ز اسپ و خوارمشاه گو و سرگذشت
- Whatsoever the sun of God's grace shines upon, whether it be dog or horse, gains (is endowed with) the glory of the Cave;
- آفتاب لطف حق بر هر چه تافت ** از سگ و از اسپ فر کهف یافت
- Yet deem not the radiance of His grace to be uniform: it has given a sign (distinctive character) to the pebble and the ruby.
- تاب لطفش را تو یکسان هم مدان ** سنگ را و لعل را داد او نشان
- From that (radiance) the ruby has a borrowed treasure, (while) the pebble has only heat and brightness.
- لعل را زان هست گنج مقتبس ** سنگ را گرمی و تابانی و بس
- (The radiance of) the sun falling on a wall is not the same as (when it is reflected) from water and quivering movement.
- آنک بر دیوار افتد آفتاب ** آنچنان نبود کز آب و اضطراب
- After the peerless king had been astounded by (gazing at) it (the horse) for a moment, he turned his face to the ‘Imádu ’l-Mulk, 3455
- چون دمی حیران شد از وی شاه فرد ** روی خود سوی عماد الملک کرد
- Saying, “O vizier, is not this an exceedingly beautiful horse? Surely it belongs to Paradise, not to the earth.”
- کای اچی بس خوب اسپی نیست این ** از بهشتست این مگر نه از زمین
- Thereupon the ‘Imádu ’l-Mulk said to him, “O emperor, a demon is made angelic by thy (fond) inclination.
- پس عماد الملک گفتش ای خدیو ** چون فرشته گردد از میل تو دیو
- That on which thou lookest (fondly) becomes (appears good (to thee). This steed is very handsome and graceful, and yet
- در نظر آنچ آوری گردید نیک ** بس گش و رعناست این مرکب ولیک