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  • The King did not say in his heart, “Do not (seek to) deceive the lion so greatly by means of the head of an ox. 3505
  • You (the ‘Imádu ’l-Mulk) drag in the ox in order to cheat (me): begone, God does not stick the horns of an ox upon a horse.”
  • This renowned Master-builder observes great congruity in His workmanship: how should He attach to a horse's body part of (the body of) an ox?
  • The Master-builder has made (all) bodies congruously: He has constructed moving palaces,
  • (With) balconies in them and cisterns (distributing water) from this (part of the palace) to that;
  • And within them an infinite world: all this (vast) expanse (is contained) in a single tent. 3510
  • Now He causes (one beautiful as) the moon to seem like an incubus (nightmare), now He causes the bottom of a well to have the semblance of a garden.
  • Inasmuch as the closing and opening of the eye of the heart by the Almighty is continually working lawful magic,
  • For this reason Mustafá (Mohammed) entreated God, saying, “Let the false appear as false and the true as true,
  • So that at last, when Thou turnest the leaf, I may not (be stricken) by sorrow (and) fall into agitation.”