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  • This renowned Master-builder observes great congruity in His workmanship: how should He attach to a horse's body part of (the body of) an ox?
  • بس مناسب صنعتست این شهره زاو  ** کی نهد بر جسم اسپ او عضو گاو 
  • The Master-builder has made (all) bodies congruously: He has constructed moving palaces,
  • زاو ابدان را مناسب ساخته  ** قصرهای منتقل پرداخته 
  • (With) balconies in them and cisterns (distributing water) from this (part of the palace) to that;
  • در میان قصرها تخریج‌ها  ** از سوی این سوی آن صهریج‌ها 
  • And within them an infinite world: all this (vast) expanse (is contained) in a single tent. 3510
  • وز درونشان عالمی بی‌منتها  ** در میان خرگهی چندین فضا 
  • Now He causes (one beautiful as) the moon to seem like an incubus (nightmare), now He causes the bottom of a well to have the semblance of a garden.
  • گه چو کابوسی نماید ماه را  ** گه نماید روضه قعر چاه را 
  • Inasmuch as the closing and opening of the eye of the heart by the Almighty is continually working lawful magic,
  • قبض و بسط چشم دل از ذوالجلال  ** دم به دم چون می‌کند سحر حلال 
  • For this reason Mustafá (Mohammed) entreated God, saying, “Let the false appear as false and the true as true,
  • زین سبب درخواست از حق مصطفی  ** زشت را هم زشت و حق را حق‌نما 
  • So that at last, when Thou turnest the leaf, I may not (be stricken) by sorrow (and) fall into agitation.”
  • تا به آخر چون بگردانی ورق  ** از پشیمانی نه افتم در قلق 
  • (’Twas) the Lord of the Kingdom (that) guided the peerless ‘Imádu ’l- Mulk to the deception which he practised. 3515
  • مکر که کرد آن عماد الملک فرد  ** مالک الملکش بدان ارشاد کرد 
  • God's deception is the fountainhead of (all) these deceptions: the heart is between the two fingers of the (Divine) Majesty.
  • مکر حق سرچشمه‌ی این مکرهاست  ** قلب بین اصبعین کبریاست